The MOOC started by the time the great portuguese poet Herberto Helder died, on the 23rd March 2015.

This was my first and humble tribute to the poet, which evokes one of his works «Os Passos em Volta» and Bukowski’s line «There’s a bluebird in my heart».



Tributo a Herberto Helder

O poeta morreu.

A sua inspiração permanece.

O poeta não morreu.

Os seus passos em volta

perduram nas gerações.

Há um pássaro azul no coração do poeta


de cada amante de poesia.


Tribute to Herberto Helder

The poet died.

His inspiration lasts.

The poet is not dead.

His steps around

prevail in generations.

There’s a bluebird in the poet’s heart


in each poetry lover.


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Poems Copyright © 2015 by idabrandao is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.